
Pink and Blue

Museo de Arte de Sao Paulo (MASP), Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1881


Other wise titled as Alice and Elisabeth Cahen d’Anvers, this painting, which depicts the two daughters of the Jewish banker Louis Raphael Cahen d’Anvers, is considered one of the most popular in the Sao Paolo Museum of Art, where it resides. This particular painting was one of many that the artist produced for the Cahen d’Anvers family, and depicted the girls when they were five and six years old. The original commission was to paint each of the girls separately, but after the eldest daughter was painted by herself, the decision was made to paint the two younger girls together. Elisabeth, the eldest in the painting, had a tragic destiny. Although her sister lived until the ripe age of 89, she was sent to Auschwitz concentration camp due to her Jewish descent, and died at the age of 69 on the way to the concentration camp.

image of Pink and Blue